Crop rotation: The successive planting of different crops on the same land to improve soil fertility and help control insects and diseases. 轮作:在同一块土地上连续种植不同的作物以提高土壤肥力并帮助控制昆虫的生长和疾病的蔓延。
The results indicated that the transfer and loss of N and P vary with means of rotation, types of crops and the amount of fertilizer application. 结果表明:农田生态系统中N、P等迁移、淋失状况随轮作方式、作物种类及施肥状况而变化;
The rotation of crops keeps the soil healthy and fertile. 谷物轮种使土壤保持了肥力和高质。
Phosphorus Fraction and Variation Characteristics and Their Influencing Factors Analysis on Calcareous Purple Soil under the Rotation System of Different Crops 不同作物轮作下石灰性紫色土磷素形态变化及其影响因素研究
Appropriate-scale-operation, farmland capital construction, intensive cultivation and proper rotation of crops are the ways to improve energy efficiency. 通过适度规模经营、农田基本建设、精耕细作和合理轮作,可以提高农田投能效率。
In the total cycle of crop rotation, the total grain and above-ground yields of three crops without fallow were almost the same as that of two crops after fallow. 从全轮作周期看,连作3季的作物总籽粒和干物质与休闲后2季差异不显著,休闲反而增加NO3~&N淋失和反硝化。
Rotation of cereal crops and animal husbandry to develop livestock farming; 实行农牧轮作,大力发展畜牧业;
And that the best planting institution for the region is the rotation of land and water crops. 该区各种作物中水稻生产力、生产潜力最大,耕作制度以水旱轮作为最佳。
The effects of the rotation of paddy and dryland crops on the chromium polluted soil 水旱轮作制对铬污染土壤的改良效果作物多胚现象研究综述
Rotation of Paddy-upland Crops and Soil Fertility 水旱轮作与土壤肥力
Application of The Regression Rotation Design in The Research on Modeled Cultivation of Crops in The Hexi Irrigation Area 回归旋转设计在河西灌区农作物模式化栽培技术研究中的应用
Under rotation of rice and dry crops, zinc fertilizer was better applied on rice. 在水旱轮作中,锌肥以施在水稻上为好;
Based on above results, proper use of manure, intercropping or rotation of crops with different Fe-efficiency are two important measures to improve and remain Fe availability, in soil. 有机肥的合理施用和铁效率差异性植物间的轮作或间作是增加、维系土壤铁有效性的重要农艺措施。
However, it must be pointed out that the high effective agricultural model itself needs the rotation of paddy and upland crops, and the rotation between high effective model and traditional cultivation system is essential in order to achieve sustainable development. 必须实行有序高效模式自身水旱轮作,高效模式与传统耕作制度之间轮作换茬,使之动态优化,保持可持续发展。
Through the fertilizer location experiment of one-year wheat-corn rotation system on Chao soil for seven years, the utilized coefficient of fertilizer and the nutrient requirement quatity of crops were obtained. 经7年小麦&玉米一年两熟轮作肥料定位试验,得到了潮土长期施肥情况下的肥料利用率和作物养分需要量;
The study was conducted to analyse water and salt dynamic of alkalize solonchak and to define alkalize soil improving results of applying gypsum improving agent, farmyard manure and phosphorus fertilizer and rotation of different crops. 分析了大同盆地碱化盐土水盐动态规律,从施用石膏改良剂、施用农家肥和磷肥以及不同作物轮作三个方面进行了改良碱土效果的研究。
A Study on the Change of Phosphorus Availability in red soil paddy field for rotation of rice and upland crops 稻田红壤水旱轮作中磷素有效性变化研究
The rotation experiments on the 10-year-old degenerated alfalfa grassland, which carried out for 3 years and included 27 kinds of alfalfa-crop rotation patterns, indicate that is mainly the first year rotation that crops restore the alfalfa soil moisture. 经过在10年生退化苜蓿草地进行了连续3年的27种草田轮作方式的试验表明,轮作第一年对苜蓿土壤水分的恢复是主要的。
Soil conditions, climatic factors and crop rotation of Cruciferae crops induced rape clubroot. 主要研究结果如下:1.土壤条件、气候因素和十字花科作物轮作诱发油菜根肿病。
Wheat-Maize ( W-M) rotation is one of the important crop-growing systems in Shanxi Province. It is mainly distributed in Linfen and Yuncheng Basin, and its production accounts for30% of the total production of cereal crops in the province. 小麦-玉米轮作系统是山西省重要的作物种植体系之一,主要分布在临汾和运城两个地区,对全省谷类作物生产的贡献率达30%。
The quantity of soil microorganisms in each rotation along with the growth of crops were first increased and then decreased in arid sandy area. Different rotation soil microbial quantity significant difference, the number of bacteria occupy absolute advantage, the number of fungi was the least. 干旱风沙区各轮作方式土壤的微生物数量随着作物的生长发育呈先增加后降低的趋势,不同轮作方式土壤微生物数量差异性极显著,各类群数量差异显著,细菌数量占据绝对优势,真菌数量最少。